What is Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a legal process to assist individuals struggling with debt and is protected by the Federal Bankruptcy Code. Bankruptcy can protect you from foreclosures, repossessions, garnishments and creditor harassment, and provide individuals with a fresh financial start.
Why hire a bankruptcy attorney?

Bankruptcy proceedings can be confusing and overwhelming.
At the Law Office of Sam Henry, we can help you navigate you individual bankruptcy case, with detailed attention to your unique circumstances by:

Explaining the different types of bankruptcy and the eligibility requirements for each.

Assisting you in compiling all the required documentation for filing bankruptcy.

Filing your bankruptcy petition with the court.

Attending your creditor 341 proceeding with you and negotiating with your creditors.

Providing effective representation in court, if necessary, for your individual case.

Addressing any questions or concerns you have throughout your case and guiding you in meeting the requirements for completing your bankruptcy and receiving your discharge.